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Take me to St. Mark’s Hospital: For back-to-back care

A crushing car accident led to a lower back injury for Inshalla – twice. Each time, she found kindness, expertise and hope for healing at St. Mark's.

March 16, 2022
Inshalla Poulsen

It doesn’t take much to create a back injury. Straining to lift a suitcase or sleeping in an awkward position can leave a person in pain; so, imagine the crushing severity of injury that can result from a high-impact car accident. Unfortunately, Inshalla Poulsen doesn’t have to imagine — she’s experienced two excruciating back injuries due to car crashes.

The first accident catapulted her truck forward further than a block, leaving Inshalla nearly bedridden because of the weakness in her legs from lower back and nerve damage.

“My back was so jacked up. I tried physical therapy and injections, but that didn’t help. I was weak and falling all the time, and I sank into a bad depression because I couldn’t get the help I needed,” Inshalla said.

The Pain Clinic at St. Mark’s Hospital: A light at the end of back pain

Then she received a referral to see Dr. Sandeep Teja, a board-certified neurosurgeon at St. Mark’s Hospital.

“Dr. Teja became the light for me during my darkest days,” Inshalla said. “He treated me like I mattered and like it wasn’t all in my head. He had ways to help.”

Dr. Teja surgically fused together two of Inshalla’s lumbar vertebrae segments, thus eliminating painful motion in her back. The procedure, called a spinal fusion, significantly relieved Inshalla’s pain.

“It was a miracle! I bounced back so quickly. My legs started working again, I felt sure-footed and I could go fishing with my grandson again,” Inshalla said. “But then the second accident happened, and it stopped all the progress from my first spinal fusion.”

Inshall Poulsen smiling
Inshalla Paulsen

Take two: Back surgery offers hope for the future

During her second car accident, a teenage driver smashed into Inshalla’s one-ton truck — totaling her vehicle and wrecking her back.

“I knew I wanted to see Dr. Teja again. After looking at my MRI, he told me my spine was collapsing and I needed another surgery to stabilize it,” Inshalla said. “Dr. Teja said he didn’t want to see me in pain another day. That meant a lot to me. He helped get the surgery scheduled for right away.”

The second surgery proved even more complex. Inshalla’s spine moved in ways it shouldn’t, so Dr. Teja used bone grafts to fuse three vertebrae. Then he removed excess scar tissue and cleaned up nerve endings.

While Inshalla continues to heal from her most recent back surgery, she looks forward to more fishing days with her grandson; and she says she’s incredibly thankful for the care and hope the Pain Clinic and Dr. Teja provide.

“He’s such a good doctor. He goes above the call of duty,” Inshalla said. “With him, I always feel listened to and never feel rushed. He actually cares; he kind of reminds me of a best friend.”

To learn more about Wasatch Neurosurgery and Spine Associates visit them online, or call (801) 261-8507.

More about the Spine Care Program at St. Mark's Hospital:

At St. Mark’s Hospital, we understand that neck and back pain can quickly put a halt on your enjoying life. Our highly experienced back specialists use surgical and nonsurgical treatments to treat back and neck pain and other symptoms associated with spine conditions.

March 16, 2022
St. Mark's Hospital

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