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Matt Hasbrouck named St. Mark's Hospital CEO keyboard_arrow_right
August 08, 2024St. Mark's HospitalFormer St. Mark's administrator returns to SLC to lead the growing facilityNew A-Fib treatment sees first use in Utah at MountainStar St. Mark's Hospital keyboard_arrow_right
June 07, 2024St. Mark's HospitalNew Pulsed field ablation, or PFA, is a revolutionary A-Fib treatment that saw it's first use in Utah at MountainStar Healthcare's St. Mark's Hospital.Three MountainStar hospitals among nation's best for patient safety keyboard_arrow_right
April 08, 2024St. Mark's HospitalHealthgrades recognizes St. Mark's Hospital, Ogden Regional Medical Center and Lakeview HospitalSt. Mark's Hospital first in Utah to use new A-Fib treatment keyboard_arrow_right
March 08, 2024St. Mark's HospitalDue to its safety and efficacy, the pulsed field ablation procedure promises to become the new gold standard for treating AFib.Trinity Hospital hosts childbirth education classes keyboard_arrow_right
February 23, 2024St. Mark's HospitalPreparing for your new baby- February 21, 2024St. Mark's HospitalSalt Lake City Hospital is recognized nationally for outpatient hip replacement.
- January 26, 2024St. Mark's HospitalFour Utah hospitals to welcome Solis Mammography as breast imaging services partner in early 2024.
St. Mark's Hospital opens new patient tower to care for more Utahns keyboard_arrow_right
December 29, 2023St. Mark's HospitalSt. Mark's Hospital opened up its new patient tower to expand services and provide better care for the community.Three MountainStar hospitals earn hospital safety "A" grades keyboard_arrow_right
November 14, 2023St. Mark's HospitalSafety award highlights commitment to safe, high-quality care at Lakeview, Lone Peak and St. Mark's Hospitals.- October 23, 2023St. Mark's HospitalDrop off medications at 13 convenient locations from Logan to Payson.